Alon Dolev

Results 13 comments of Alon Dolev

Hello sgrimm, thank you for your input. This indeed could be useful. I'm not sure when I will find the time to work on such a feature. If you want...

Hello ysb33r, I did not know that. Thanks for the tip. I'm going to look into that as soon as I find the time. I'm also always open for pull-requests...

I checked the code, and it seems that all validation takes places in an `project.afterEvaluate { }` block. I'm not sure why this is not sufficient?

Thank you for your report. I can reproduce the problem, and have written a new test for it. I have a workaround that I could quickly deploy, but I have...

Thanks @ursjoss for your hint. I'll keep an eye on that issue. I still could not find out how to set the classpath correctly for Liquibase. I have added snakeyaml...

thanks for your report. Can you provide me with such a custom change class so I can test it out?

OK, that is indeed strange. I've quickly checked the history of 'JooqModelatorPlugin.kt', and the file seems to never have had 95 lines in its entire history. The way it is...

Thanks for you feedback, and your suggestions! I will take some time, and try to incorporate support for schemas. If it proves too difficult, option nr. 1 seems the way...

Follow up: I spent some time trying to implement the schema migrations. It seems to be trickier that just passing along another parameter to the Flyway, and Liquibase instances.. (see...

OK, thank you for your quick reply. It's not a big problem for us, I was just wondering.