Ayaan Khan

Results 27 comments of Ayaan Khan

May be you can create a directory `Operating Systems` and within this a new directory `Scheduling Algorithms`

code looks fine but documentation is not up to standard

> Hi all, I want to contribute the **_jump search algorithm:_** > > ``` > function found_at = jump_search(arr, value) > % Contributed by - Harshit Pant, [email protected] > >...

> @ayaankhan98 If no one is currently maintaining it, I can help to temporary maintain the repo to reduce the amount of open pull requests and help to review them...

![Codacy](https://app.codacy.com/assets/images/favicon.png) Here is an overview of what got changed by this pull request: ```diff Issues ====== - Added 1 ``` See the complete overview on [Codacy](https://app.codacy.com/gh/ayaankhan98/bigINT/pullRequest?prid=6394972&bid=20738457)

@Tripathi-Alok suppose we decalre two large integers like ``` largeInt a, b; ``` then in order to take input of these large integers we need to overload the insertion and...

yes sure go ahead! @Alok-873 please mark the operators on which you are working, it will be easy for others to take up.

@Tripathi-Alok you can implement all if you wish.

@Tripathi-Alok okay go ahead, looking forward for you PR