Dan Tappin
Dan Tappin
I am getting these: ``` USE eager loading detected ActivityTask => [:taskable] Add to your query: .includes([:taskable]) ``` The association is polymorphic so I can't add an include so I...
Bullet is reporting this on my index page: ``` USE eager loading detected Budget => [:client] Add to your finder: :includes => [:client] USE eager loading detected Expenditure => [:project]...
If I try either of the simple (no preview examples). Only the first file name gets displayed but all the multiple files are uploaded. If you hover over the button...
I have an app where the bucket is dynamic - I can upload to S3 and I have these buckets in my CDN but they won't serve from the alternate...
Anyone managed to get this to work with ActiveAdmin? It seems that with AA you can only access the records that your normal user was last logged in under (i.e....
Looking to output human readable JSON like this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/86653/how-can-i-pretty-format-my-json-output-in-ruby-on-rails Tried this approach but I get 'only generation of JSON objects or arrays allowed'.
Can you return all the models that are active in the Tenant? I am looking to have active_admin 'wipe' a tenant and override all callbacks (had_many and ancestry restrictions) etc.
For some more background: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64436263/jquery-nestable2-adding-placeholder-css-feedback I already have a `beforeDragStop` call that does the logic to allow / dis-allow the dropping of an element in the placeholder. I want to...
Just the pie charts with a hole 🍩👍