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A c++ recursive-descent generic parsing library that supports left recursion.


A c++17 recursive-descent parser library that:

  • can parse left-recursive grammars.
  • can handle multiple errors while parsing.
  • provides a lexer class, for tokenization.
  • allows for solving tokenization/parsing ambgiguities while parsing.
  • allows the creation of AST trees, ready for further processing.


Table Of Contents


Writing And Using Parsers



Parserlib is a c++17 library that allows the creation of recursive-descent parsers, based on EBNF-like notation using the available c++ operators.

The library allows the declaration of left-recursive grammars.

Here is a calculator parser example:

#include "parserlib.hpp"

template <typename SourceT = std::string> class calculator_grammar {
    enum class ast_id {

    using pe = parserlib::parser_engine<SourceT, ast_id>;

    calculator_grammar() {
        auto digit = pe::range('0', '9');

        auto number = (-pe::one_of("+-") >> +digit >> -('.' >> +digit))->*ast_id::number;

        auto val = '(' >> m_add >> ')'
                 | number;

        m_mul = (m_mul >> '*' >> val) ->* ast_id::mul
              | (m_mul >> '/' >> val) ->* ast_id::div
              | val;

        m_add = (m_add >> '+' >> m_mul) ->* ast_id::add
              | (m_add >> '-' >> m_mul) ->* ast_id::mul
              | m_mul;

    double evaluate(const SourceT& input) {
        SourceT source = input;
        auto [success, ast, it] = pe::parse(source, m_add);
        if (success && ast.size() == 1) {
            return evaluate_ast(ast[0]);
        throw std::invalid_argument("Parse error: " + std::string(it, source.cend()));

    typename pe::rule m_add, m_mul;

    static double evaluate_ast(const typename pe::ast_node_ptr_type& node) {
        switch (node->get_id()) {
            case ast_id::number: {
                std::stringstream stream;
                stream << node->get_source();
                double r;
                stream >> r;
                return r;

            case ast_id::add:
                return evaluate_ast(node->get_children()[0]) + evaluate_ast(node->get_children()[1]);

            case ast_id::sub:
                return evaluate_ast(node->get_children()[0]) - evaluate_ast(node->get_children()[1]);

            case ast_id::mul:
                return evaluate_ast(node->get_children()[0]) * evaluate_ast(node->get_children()[1]);

            case ast_id::div:
                return evaluate_ast(node->get_children()[0]) / evaluate_ast(node->get_children()[1]);

        throw std::logic_error("invalid ast id");

int main() {
    calculator_grammar<> calculator;
    std::cout << calculator.evaluate("1+(5*6)/2") ;

The above prints 16 at the console.



    • Added custom match functions in order to allow the resolution of ambiguities while parsing.
    • allowed terminal values to be of different type that the value of the source container, in order to allow the result of a parse (the ast nodes created by a parse) to be fed to another parse function.
    • added terminal parsing via functions.
    • added parsing via standalone functions.
    • added multiple error handling.

    • Rewrote the library:
      • all parser grammar classes are now inside a single template class class parser_engine<SourceT, MatchIdT>, for the following reasons:
        • compiler performance (MSVC 32-bit regularly crashed with out of memory error from the many template instantiations of previous versions).
        • library code organization; writing a grammar usually requires including all the grammar constructs, so it is reduntant to have separate files for each grammar-related class.
        • user code organization; whole grammars need to be specialized on source type.
      • coding style is closer to the standard: all identifiers are lower case, words are separated by underscores, idiomatic c++ is used whenever possible.
    • Rewrote the documentation, due to more functionality to be added in the future.

    • Reorganized the library in order to support compiler front ends into a separate namespace. The main library is now in namespace parserlib::core.
    • Added namespace parserlib::cfe which now contains the compiler-front-end functionality.
    • separated tokenization and parsing phases for compiler-front-ends.
    • Added relevant documentation and unit tests.

    Rewrote the library from scratch in order to provide a better interface. Changes:

    • All the getter methods now start with 'get', in order to play better with Intellisense.
    • The ParseContext class is now configured over the Source type, with the default class being the class SourceString.
    • The class SourceString provides custom iterator which counts lines and columns, compatible with the std::string interface.
    • The functions terminal, terminalSet, terminalRange are changed to term, oneOf, oneIn.
    • Matches are now only hierarchical (as in operator >= of previous version).
    • The 'operator >= has been replaced with operator ->*, which is much more distinct than the former; no more typing accidentally '>>' where >= was intended.
    • The default match id type is no longer a string; it is an int.
    • Simplified the left recursion parsing implementation.

    Added support for compiler front-end construction.


    Initial release.