
Results 11 comments of 芒果糯米糍

遍历太多的话可能会导致崩溃,比如使用xserver hook 了 太多方法

而且 frida不能attach在zygote上,所以使用Java.perform 也不能去操作getSystemService里里面的东西,也就是不能操作Dalvik包下的东西

这个build确实是 第一眼看到的时候 “ ???直接把build文件夹一起上传了 ? ” 哈哈

The x64 PC emulator running Android arm32/arm64 uses `Houdini`. transcoding, it will cause `libil2cpp.so` not to be found directly in memory, and then it's not open source, so it's recommended...

Give me a download link and I'll try it out

![1711447987923](https://github.com/axhlzy/Il2CppHookScripts/assets/20512058/1d688d23-d2db-4dcf-b199-6410800859a5) It works on xiaomi 8. Get a rooted real machine to play with, before you're tortured by inexplicable circumstances

I think I remember having this problem before, did you confirm that you are using the latest version of the code? Or change the frida-tools version.

![1711448372329](https://github.com/axhlzy/Il2CppHookScripts/assets/20512058/29c4b865-0fd8-4786-ac3d-60addae66523) I'm using this version now

> 可以打印v寄存器或者p寄存器的值吗 [我也简单的实现了一下,灵感来源于本项目作者](https://github.com/axhlzy/ARTHookScripts/blob/60ccb53a9fc603cccca1196464f5818a472a7d9c/agent/android/implements/10/art/ShadowFrame.ts#L293)

嗯 谢谢大佬的解释 开启调试这件事相对简单一些,但是可以研究一下zygote怎么注入,能用frida注入那就完美了