Axel Vanraes
Axel Vanraes
After some research I was able to pin down the statement that triggers the error. I think there is a problem with this statement: []( Running that line with the...
They are similar to the instructions in the readme. The only configuration required is running `./bash/snomed_config_mysql`and subsequently restarting MySQL which is what I have done. Do you think I missed...
I think it has to do with how I installed the MySQL service. I've installed the mysql service with homebrew: `brew install mysql` As a result, I had to update...
Thx for the update!
Would be interesting if `pd.Grouper(key="@timestamp", freq="year")` could translate to a `date_histogram` source in the composite aggregation together with other term sources!
This is an important feature for us! Since we're forced to use custom transactions to capture concurrent traces, it's the only way to have distributed tracing.