Axel Forsman

Results 5 issues of Axel Forsman

Adds the option `g:r_recommended_style` to set Vim indentation settings to conform to the R style conventions (i.e. use 2 spaces for indent), as also done by `rust.vim`.

# Issue type - Bug report # Environment Emacs version: GNU Emacs 27.1 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) Operating System: NixOS 20.09 Evil version: 1.14.0 Evil installation type: MELPA Graphical/Terminal: Terminal with...

It would be great to support benchmark tests through the command `cargo bench` available on nightly. Possible use cases include making it easier for others to help optimize code snippets.

help wanted

Heyo! First off, I tried to write a benchmark for fuzzy Emacs completions styles at [axelf4/emacs-completion-bench]( It would be great if you could take a look and see whether there...