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Sample Amazon Lex chat bot web interface

Results 150 aws-lex-web-ui issues
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when a call is transferred from one agent to other in lex bot, the call is disconnecting on the user side but it is transferring to other agent on the...

Hi Team, In Lex V2 bot currently when input mode is speech, if a user is saying yes, it is accepting it as 'its yes', 'yeah sure', 'okay yes'. We...

Hello! I see this question asked earlier but I'm not getting past the issue, so seeking some clarification & help here: 1) I have a Lex V2 bot 2) I...

I'm using method #3: "Use the pre-built libraries from the dist directory of this repo" does this support HTML and markdown? I tried to have ""AllowSuperDangerousHTMLInMessage": true," in my lex-web-ui-loader.json...

I have tried to complete all the functionality, but I cannot get the Bot that I have created to activate in the chat, it continually gives me the error "Sorry,...

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()

Your readme would be easier to consume if you moved the changelog to the bottom of the page. As a new developer using lex web ui, I had to scroll...

Hello, We are facing an issue when we run this application in safari browser. The sessionID is changed when we send second request to bot in same session. My first...

*Issue #, if available:* N/A *Description of changes:* Currently even if history exists (i.e. saveHistory=true), an initial utterance is sent every time a user refreshes a chat. However, saving history...

Hi Team, we are getting a vue dependency failure for deployed chatbots suddenly. Screenshots are attached for your reference. ![Screenshot (18)]( Can you please help me in this.