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Sample Amazon Lex chat bot web interface

Results 150 aws-lex-web-ui issues
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Hi All, How can I reconnect the live chat session, if the page is refreshed using F5. On page refresh the socket connection created between lex bot and live agent...

Hi Team, We faced a couple of issues when using voice recorder in lex web ui: 1. When you open an iframe and goes to the listening mode, it works...

All of the examples in the documentation are using Vue2. Is it possible to use the npm package with Vue3? I am immediately running into the issue of Vuetify only...

To reduce unnecessary Initial Utterance calls on a Minimized chatbot when a webpage is loaded, could you trigger the Initial Utterance called the First Time a bot is Maximized?

Tried deploying Cloudformation master.yaml as CodeBuild mode. Deployment succeeded but Aws Lex with Lambda integration is not getting configured. Its creating 5 count of lambda functions for CognitoUserPoolDomainFn, CognitoUserPoolUpdatesFn, CognitoIDCleanStackNameFn,...

Hi Team, Our Lex Bot running on v2 has a couple of response cards and is not displayed on Web UI., but works on lex console. providing the code snippet...

We have a multilingual bot built on LexV2 (voice integrated) for English, spanish, korean, japanese, chinese and portugese locales. For amount question we have used a custom slot with expand...

isUiMinimized > !isUiMinimized *Issue #, if available:* *Description of changes:* By submitting this pull request, I confirm that you can use, modify, copy, and redistribute this contribution, under the terms...

I am customizing the CSS for my Lex. I am sending multiple messages for each prompt followed by 2 buttons. The buttons are repeated for each message of a prompt...

I think this is because the API response property is `subtitle` and from the Vue component you are getting the `subTitle` property.