From the first command I get: "PyQtChart (5.13.0) - Python bindings for the Qt Charts library" From the second commands I get: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line...
I'll have a look at the slackware package. I think the source package on sourceforge might need updating. I'll try here at github.
Here's a patch for 2 edits I had to do in the configure script: --- configure.bak 2018-06-09 08:09:05.153534601 -0400 +++ configure 2018-06-07 20:39:50.112273412 -0400 @@ -4186,7 +4186,7 @@ X_LIBS="$X_LIBS -lX11"...
Well, the editor ruined my patch. The open paren was causing an error in configure, so I escaped both parens in both terms, and it completed.
Here's a suggested debian/README.debian file: x48 for Debian -------------- To build the configure script execute ./ To build the debian way debian/rules build. mkdir -p ~/.hp48 Copy one of the...
I can verify this bug. Cleared cache and data, forced stop, relaunched, and it seems to work well now. But went back to same problem after a few minutes of...