
Results 6 issues of dogegg

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Does this support img files? thanks

完全按照readme操作,build时报错: ![QQ图片20210302170024]( 唯一的区别是使用bee(v2.0.2)新建项目引用的是而不是,手动修改import会报错。应该怎样修改,望给个思路

应该不是版本问题,就算很长时间打开后,也显示不出东西。 我的参数输入为:(input.dwg -b -v2010 -y output.dxf) 能帮我看一下吗?

hello,i have a question. does this contains readevent()? if exists,how to use?

I got an error when i run ![image]( Could you help me? thanks in advance.