Lyubomir Marinov
Lyubomir Marinov
Sorry, I misplaced the range check and the actual range. This is the proper commit:
I made some changes to the code: In `CalendarLogic.swift` I changed the code as follows: ``` private var numberOfDaysInPreviousPartialWeek: Int { return baseDate.weekDay - 2; // Glorified fix for the...
update: somehow when the month starts from Monday, the month before starts from the wrong day. I should investigate further this situation. @lancy98 you can always give us a hand,... ? :)
``` fileprivate func getGhostIndexPath(_ cellCenter: CGPoint) -> IndexPath? { guard let numberOfSections = self.collectionView?.numberOfSections, let contentRect = self.collectionView?.contentSize else { return nil } let columnWidth = contentRect.width / CGFloat(numberOfSections) for...
Ah, @vallard , I have the same problem and I wrote you about it in Twitter a few days ago :) I still have this gap even with the updates.....