AVR* Administrator
AVR* Administrator
Chris Pavlina Fri 12 Aug 2016 09:33:02 PM CEST FWIW this is my bug, and I'll acknowledge it to myself now. :)
Petteri Aimonen Tue 31 Dec 2019 11:41:55 AM CET This got triggered by nanopb fuzz tests; I'm adding a workaround on my library side as this would otherwise have potential...
Petteri Aimonen Fri 17 Jan 2020 06:58:01 AM CET Related other bugs: #40535, #32702
Anatoly Sokolov Sun 12 Apr 2009 04:10:51 PM CEST The patch for the GCC is not complete. 1. No numeric argument to the 'interrupt' attribute is implemented. 2. Not possible...
Ron Kreymborg Mon 13 Apr 2009 03:16:53 AM CEST Good idea - a more complete implementation that mine (which was based on Marek's original). I assume it will use the...
Joerg Wunsch Mon 06 Jul 2020 07:40:08 AM CEST It is completely fine to issue tickets for such errors.
Steven Kirkland Mon 06 Jul 2020 08:46:40 PM CEST Ok, thanks. I'll make corrections as I find them then, as I get time, rebase and go back through the entire...
Eric Weddington Fri 13 May 2011 01:17:33 AM CEST We need to decide if we even want C++ code in avr-libc. Though I understand the usefulness of this patch since...
Bradley Jarvis Fri 13 May 2011 05:31:50 AM CEST I say yes, but I am biased. It would save me having to add my patch every time I update avrlibc....
Joerg Wunsch Tue 08 Jun 2010 01:51:00 PM CEST Dmitry is our Mr. libm.