I can not upload new data to cloudkit. I found the error message from cloud kit dashboard as below: error:BAD_REQUEST operation:record modify database:private zone:SMStoreCloudStore_CustomZone items:1 server latency:67ms request size:1.04KB response...
new error The operation couldn’t be completed. (Seam3.SMStoreError error 4.) What does it mean ?
But I can't do it in my codes! as in picture below, https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/AEnbhkFjd_tROED6kCTNMdMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink
No ! It shows red color automatically. I just want it the same as other days.
sorry, I am a beginner of Xcode . i don't really understand what you mean. Is Sept. 6 a special day ?Why is only that day red? Today is Sept....
i download the latest version. It works ok. Thank you ! but another question is that it cannot show selection days in current month ! my code is below, self.CalController...