Aviv Salman
Aviv Salman
yes but when i run electron-forge package --arch=ia32 --platform=linux its make me package for linux system, so its dont work?
so what version of linux do you suggest to install and build? because i tried what you say on ubuntu 16.04 and electron-forge dont worked currectlly.
this is the error that i get when i am trying to install the electron-forge in linux: oh oh Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/root/.bashrc' at Error (native) /usr/lib └──...
ok i installed as you say but now the system dont reconize the electron-forge command.. so how i can run electron-forge init test?
i have the same problem after upgrading from electron 27 to 28, i am trying to build dependencies with electron-builder, for 64 bit architecture its success, in 32 bit its...
Hey @ash-jc-allen , how can we make it happends? it is really nececary to set up database connection / tables name.
same problem for me, hope it will be soon :)
Whay its took so long?