was this updated
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { if segue.identifier == "wifiSettings" { if let toViewController = segue.destination as? WifiSettingsVC { toViewController.browser = browser } } } does not seem...
I've tried using a new wkzombie instance. But it does not seem to work as expected. When I open a new view controller using a new or passed instance of...
@fishfisher can you explain a little more please?
if you call >>> browser.inspect() === processPage func processPage(result: HTMLPage?) { result.description // this is your full html }
As to validating if you are logged in, you will need to do this by checking the page for something show you that you are logged in
I am getting this also. I see this when using the simulator. I cannot seem to catch the error and once I get it for one url i continue to...