Avi Atkin
Avi Atkin
hey @smrz2001 following up on the feedback from shacha on Gitcoin that it should generally be port 4001 instead of 4011, with an additional caveat around not being blocked by...
on chains with long blocktimes, e.g. rootstock, the CLI errors out. add feature to customize timeout limits see partner request context: https://www.notion.so/hyperlanexyz/Override-timeouts-in-CLI-aa708d7aae5141c9a5bf965f93ddbd42?pvs=4
```[tasklist] ### Docs - [ ] https://github.com/hyperlane-xyz/hyperlane-monorepo/issues/3581 - [ ] https://github.com/hyperlane-xyz/hyperlane-monorepo/issues/3721 - [ ] Bytecode checking in CLI for verifying registry merge - [ ] Collision checks when adding to...
With more additional steps required for the multisig transaction, it will be useful to show which step/status is the transaction in - `PENDING_SIGNATURES` - `READY_TO_EXECUTE` - `BRIDGING/AWAITING_DELIVERY_ON_TARGET_CHAIN` - `DONE` #####...
### Problem 1. We currently have the [hyperlane-registry](https://github.com/hyperlane-xyz/hyperlane-registry/tree/main/chains) repo which tracks `core` deployments 2. We want a way for the community to permissionlessly share and discover deployments 3. Ideally, we...