Avi Atkin
Avi Atkin
hey @FrozenKiwi - Stephen, am a fan of what you're building with co2 offsets onchain. wanted to check if you had a chance to try out did-session, the primary auth...
@codynhat i crossposted this to our forum https://forum.ceramic.network/t/support-s3-compatible-state-stores-re-post-from-gh/390 so our engineers can see this and reply, and i also added this is to our feedback/feature request tracker
Seeing the same error, cannot apply to docsearch update: eventually processed the second time
3ID seems like easier to refer to shorthand, and it is the W3C DID method name
Including a link to the discord thread https://discord.com/channels/682786569857662976/963185659638607982/984649581071585360