
Results 5 issues of ava6969

` attention_mlp = basic.BatchApply( mlp.MLP([self._mem_size] * self._attention_mlp_layers))` `for _ in range(self._num_blocks): attended_memory = self._multihead_attention(memory)` shouldnt it be this `attended_memory = memory` `for _ in range(self._num_blocks):` `attended_memory = self._multihead_attention(attended_memory)` i know...

i built file:///home/dewe/lab/bazel-bin/deepmind_lab.so file:///home/dewe/lab/bazel-bin/libdmlab_headless_hw.so file:///home/dewe/lab/bazel-bin/libdmlab_headless_sw.so with --define=osmesa_or_glx do i choose sdl if i want actual video rendering, just for debugging reasons.

I was wondering if there were any resource to acquire the vocabulary used for the instruction based environment for dmlab30

I enjoy this library and have used it in research , I'm currently writing my graduate paper, where i'll be showing my benchmark for the rgb stacking problem. Looking through...

I have been building a c++ based drl library, I am currently testing my library on the starcraft env. I am having troubles implementing some of the actions like select...