
Results 6 issues of av8ta

I really like this project and it suits my needs apart from handling responsive design for smaller screens. http://quasar-framework.org/ is fantastic for those of us who aren't CSS masters. It's...


Hi @RangerMauve here's an initial implementation of ssb bundled with agregore. I've written `ssbd` as a much simpler alternative to shipyard. It's an ssb server with flexible plugin loading; you...

> 🤔 A browser UI for configuring settings in general like `agregore://settings` might be useful. Kinda like how chrome://flags works. _Originally posted by @RangerMauve in https://github.com/AgregoreWeb/agregore-browser/issues/196#issuecomment-1173155548_ An extension could be...


Browser extensions have a lot of access to the page and so must be trusted by users to not invade their privacy or steal tokens etc. Many users don't have...


> I'm thinking since we already have urls like agregore://welcome, why not have protocol specific extensions mounted at paths appended to the protocol string? Perhaps an extension at ssb://settings could...
