Hello patince4711. After a newly installation of V3.10, and of course a database reset, after few hours of collecting data during a poor weather conditions, I got remaining values not...
Hello Patience. Seem there is a regression in the zigbee command code... ``` running script argument is 2710AABBCC sudo /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ecu/testZigbee.cgi 2710AABBCC Content-type:text/html running testZigbee.cgi version 2024-jan-12 testZigbee running with...
Hello patience4711. Nice to contact you again for this fabulous project. Due to SD card corruption I loose all my job and datas (and no backup) ! Just start again...
Hello patience. Burned today a new SD-CARD (just out-of-the-box). I was able to set the Wifi according to my access point. Next boot is very very long compared to V3.x...