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Plugins to make Autoware vector maps in Unity

Results 33 MapToolbox issues
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Dear @moelang Thanks for sharing MapToolbox nice work of autocore-ai! I'm interested in map building, and going to construct vector map using MapToolBox. I need more function of lane center...

when i want to convert it Error: No nodes loaded. Quitting (on error). or i want to view it on nothing can see too.

I found that only later versions of branch::Lanelet can set tags, but there was an error occurs when saving lanelet. The erroe code as below: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set...

OS version: Windows 11, 21H2 Unity version: Unity 2019.4.0f1 personal Cannot perform upm operation: Unable to add package []: Package name '' is invalid. [InvalidParameter] UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions() no upm branch?

In the properties of lanelet, I can see the width and modify it. But after modifying, in the unity, nothing has been changed. ![image](

Hi! I created a vector map with Unity using a point cloud map. It's a simple one containing two road edges (see following image). ![PCD]( When I load this one...

Hi !! I am trying to get vector_map or lanelet_map using a pcd file that i generate with 1.14. The pcd file is in format: Data binary and x,y,x...

System.DllNotFoundException: unity_debug at (wrapper managed-to-native) AutoCore.MapToolbox.PCL.NativePluginDebug.SetFunctionDebugLog(intptr) at AutoCore.MapToolbox.PCL.NativePluginDebug.RegisterDebugFunctions () [0x00028] in D:\demo2\Library\PackageCache\\Runtime\PCL\NativePluginDebug.cs:45 at AutoCore.MapToolbox.Editor.PCL.NativePluginEditorDebug..cctor () [0x00000] in D:\demo2\Library\PackageCache\\Editor\PCL\NativePluginEditorDebug.cs:28 UnityEditor.EditorAssemblies:ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes(Type[])

Hi, how to indicate the driving direction of the lane?

hello there: I follow the instruction in the to create a lanelet, but I can't "Select Nodes to move position", my version is Version 0.2.0-preview ![捕获6]( .