Austin Tackaberry

Results 13 issues of Austin Tackaberry

**Describe the bug** If I start off with 50 healthy nodes and then set PING_NUMBER to 20, I notice that roughly 30 nodes get marked as unhealthy. It appears that...

**What type of PR is this?** /kind feature **What this PR does / why we need it**: Uses user kubeconfig instead of admin kubeconfig to access the target cluster. It...

cncf-cla: yes

/kind feature **Describe the solution you'd like** [A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.] Add support for setting [DisableLocalAccounts]( This is a security feature that prevents...


### Community Note * Please vote on this issue by adding a 👍 [reaction]( to the original issue to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request * Please do...


Certain chapters require more and certain chapters require less, but overall, I think we should shoot to average 10 questions per chapter. For example, Up & Going chapters probably require...

help wanted
good first issue

There were previous discussions, and, with ideas regarding `Question.js` and the sidebar. This issue will encapsulate the implementation of those changes. The rough mockup for the sidebar is...

help wanted

If the user answers a questions (correctly or incorrectly), the state of that page should not be any different than it was when they left. ![awesomescreenshot-2018-07-02t00-04-06-824z](

help wanted
good first issue

The CLI would guide you through creating a new question, create ids for you, and then add the question to the correct file. This isn't super important, but it would...

help wanted

1. When I click a sidebar link on mobile, I expect the sidebar to close. When I click a link on desktop, I expect the sidebar to remain open. 2....
