Austin Jones

Results 56 issues of Austin Jones

One of the first things I tried to do with Shaku was to provide an injected Client instance from the [mongodb]( crate. I wanted my database code to directly access...


Hello Ryan, This is such a neat library - it's really useful to be able to render to both WebGL and native. The shader semantics are nicely done! There isn't...

It should be possible to write a sync API using std::sync::mpsc and blocking channels. The Storage and Channel traits should be compatible with the sync channel endpoints.

If one of the inputs to Task::spawn was &Bus, lifeline could create and execute a group of message receivers, not just one. Lifeline would take the bus, and a FnMut...


Users should be able to document their bus definitions.

When a user wants to opt-out of the lifeline kill, let them leak the lifeline.

There are several popular third-party channel libraries. Pick some, and add Channel/Sender/Receiver implementations behind a feature flag: - - -

Add a runtime feature for Also, add an example & github config (similar to the async-std example).

Oneshot senders consume themselves when sent, and so it wasn't possible to implement sender/receiver. Look for a solution, maybe with Option::take?
