Austin Zentz
Austin Zentz
There are a few SQL plugins that exist. Here's the one I use: It's not postgres specific, but it _does_ keep color your SQL strings.
Thanks! I actually enjoy the Zod typing for query results that Slonik 30+ implement, but totally understand the challenge of updating a library like this to accommodate a recent breaking...
> Wow, so I've been TRYING to adopt slonik, and please correct me if I'm wrong but there presently is no end-to-end golden path in the ecosystem for migrations. Given...
> Non-trivial to say the least. Again, I'm a new user trying to adopt slonik, and there's no way I'd try to attempt to unwind this without prior investment and...
Also, for others hitting this thread, if you're looking for similar functionality to slonik-migrate, you could consider [node-pg-migrate]( It's powered by PG, just like Slonik is, but doesn't rely on...