
Results 7 issues of aushev

HaplotypeCaller checks for `samplesList.numberOfSamples() != 1`. The idea was probably about detecting cases with `> 1`, but when no `@RG` present in the BAM file (i.e. `== 0`), it throws...


Example query here: []( ``` [out:csv(::id,::type,::lat,::lon, name; true; ",")]; way[name ~ ' Trial'](48.71,-120.9,55.16,-110.4); out; ``` When object `name` contains " Error" string (like this [way 353969638](, it raises Query Error:...

Example of code to reproduce: ``` R dt1


Trying to run FastQC for my bz2-compressed file `fastqc 08asp.fastq.bz2` - I get the following error: > Started analysis of 08asp.fastq.bz2 > Failed to process file 08asp.fastq.bz2 > Ran...

I think it's a bit confusing that many sequences in the list are duplicated, for example `AATGATACGGCGACCACCGACAGGTTCAGAGTTCTACAGTCCGA` is listed 5 times, with different names: - Illumina DpnII expression PCR Primer...

I have an impression that sequences of the Illumina TruSeq adaptors starting from Index 13 are wrong. I checked in couple sources, including [Illumina website](, and starting from Index 13...