Xavier Lau
Xavier Lau
Yes, works. But that hack kind dirty & ugly.
Only works for parachain.
> It's not started as Authority. Add "--validator" flag. `--alice` contains `--validator`
Really need this. Thanks.
Looking forward to a CLion version!!
> Hey @AurevoirXavier, thank you for the delivery. We'll look into it as soon as possible. Thanks for the reply. I've filled up the invoice. Usually, how long will this...
Thanks for the reply/review! > * The tests currently fail on my machine. I ran `cargo test` and got: > ```shell > running 1 test > test src/lib.rs - impl_apis...
Hey! Thanks! > @AurevoirXavier thanks for the quick response and update. > > > Fixed by [hack-ink/subalfred#275](https://github.com/hack-ink/subalfred/pull/275). > > You basically ignored the test, instead of fixing it. Could you...
@takahser Thanks for your time. ## 1 This is related to: - https://github.com/hack-ink/subalfred/issues/71 - https://github.com/hack-ink/subalfred/pull/259. In the past, users need to run `subalfred state export --at `. With this update,...