Is this only an IOS issue? I'm seeing this on my android app as well. I have a video that is marked "10-bit HDR" in Google Photos that looks washed...
Would it be possible to add a way to configure a minimum usable amount for a particular ingredient and make it honor that amount and its multiples? For example, if...
Right. That's why I was suggesting it be a toggle you could set for a specific ingredient. It shouldn't try to do this by default since it wouldn't be applicable...
I know this is a bit late, but I noticed that @babatonga's OS is Unraid. I use Unraid as well, and when I was setting up backups I came across...
Borgmatic is an automation wrapper for Borg backup. And yeah, that's why I made sure to point out I've never seen that claim anywhere else.
Except the "latest" tab sorts in reverse chronological order; there should at least be a way to change the sort of the list.
> Wouldn't that be "oldest"? Uhh 🤔 let's see if I can get my diectics in a row here 😂 By reverse chronological order, I meant that —from top to...
OP asked for a playlist functionality in Android auto to play latest episodes without having to select each one. I was trying to point out that the option to choose...
This would be a fantastic feature and would make it an instant must-have. At the risk of exploding the scope of this feature request, it would be great if this...