Augusto Monteiro

Results 9 comments of Augusto Monteiro

does anyone know why this can be happening?

👍🏽 need this as well, very useful for things like height, weight, ...

@timfish, thank you so much for it, do you know when will this get merged?

I'm having the same issue, I'm using `screeshot-desktop`, `sharp`, `active-win`. inside my webpack configuration I have set them up as external, they work fine when I run it locally, but...

> I have been digging through the packger code for hours and found a solution by adding a few hooks. Basically we need to find out which packages got marked...

does this work if the window is minimized? like when we share something in a google meet,zoom,.. even if the window is minimized everyone else keeps seeing it.

Is there any update on this? I'm facing the same issue. It is pretty anoying and we can't just ask all the devs to change their github public email. what...