Rose Noll Crimmins - Golden
Rose Noll Crimmins - Golden
I have a copy of the Spine animation program in hand and if I were going to use D I wouldn't be able to use it without the Spine library....
I'm actually using it but it lacks a important feature I had to make... Debug drawing.(Made it with dsfml :) ) It also adds cool features too, like SPH(Water sim),...
Well you are welcome, And you(or anyone else for that matter) are/is free to do what you like with what I had going and I would probably do it a...
I applied that code you showed and improved it some... same issue though. I however get a slightly different error than you. LLDB keeps preventing the exception from happening so...
I actually need to catch up on some work I have and can't fix this right now. You can send a pull request and do whatever is necessary for SDL2...