Alan Tus

Results 10 comments of Alan Tus

What about `datejs2`?

`Date.CultureInfo.regexPatterns` looks like this: ``` js Object { add: /^(\+|(da)?nach(er)?|von|daher)/ amThisMorning: /(\d(am)? )(this )(morn(ing)?)/ apr: /apr(il)?/ aug: /aug(ust)?/ day: /^d|t(ag(e)?)?/ dec: /dez(ember)?/ feb: /feb(ruar)?/ fri: /fr(i(day)?)?/ future: /^nächste(r|s)?/ hour: /^h|st(d|unde(n)?)?/...

About new keys and the current state of keys. Using the current scheme it is impossible to express `the day before yesterday` and `the day after tomorrow` for some languages....

tnx for the fix, will try it tomorrow

Localization still sometimes fails partially even though the localization file was found and loaded in the networks tab and the `Date.CultureString` is properly loaded. Go to and type `gestern`...

When parsed at 2014-05-02 13:45:00 I get this - "Yes": Thu May 01 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0200 - "Say": Thu May 01 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0200 I have no idea where it...

I would use the keys from line 255 in [`i18n.js`]( in all localization files and add rich documentation/comments to each localization file header or next to each key value pair...

I would add `|in` to the `"/^(\\+|aft(er)?|from|hence)/": "^(\\+|aft(er)?|from|hence)"` key

@danielhiversen @maggud @finnmich @flygare @yasasKahawala found you on Tibber's org page Bringing this to your attention in case you get an opportunity to fix this by disabling batching when mqtt...

It's been 7d. Did it work as a long term solution? And does it survive reboots?