Glazser Bozso

Results 11 issues of Glazser Bozso

Somehow on an URL like: http://localhost:8080/html/xyz.html the cookies are not shown. (On all browsers (Chrome/Edge/FF)


muhahah var props ='.'); wth man, how should we write a column caption with dots in it? where is the caption property if you are misusing name? lib deleted

I can't control computers in a chain. I can do it with TeamViewer. RustDesk does no allow to control its client on a remote machine to connect to one of...


### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### Bug Description Wrong Parameter. ,code 0x57 window appears after every connection (nightly build,...

missing jpeg extension in this regex: if (preg_match("/.jpg$|.gif$|.png$/i", $file)) {

The second user has a different root with the same settings. Very annoying.


in class operator TJsonDataValueHelper.Implicit(const Value: Variant): TJsonDataValueHelper; {$IFDEF AUTOREFCOUNT} if Result.FData.FObj nil then Result.FData.FObj := nil; {$ENDIF AUTOREFCOUNT} this is (the directive) preventing to initialize the FObj to nil when...

in TCantObjDebForm.sgPropSelectCell "EditNum.Text :=" and "EditStr.Text :=" (TEdits) has to be backed up with disabling the onchange event as it will set EditModified to true and it allways will write...

### Bug Description Client connected to host A and B. Copy text on A -> Clipboard goes to Client. Ok. Paste on B -> Client Clipboard is not yet present...


Nice. But you should include screenshots as this is either grid nor a table, it's some kind of treegrid.