Adam Macumber

Results 18 comments of Adam Macumber

+1 I want to recommend this as a learning tool but without undo, the experience feels fairly clunky. I'm already an avid `vim` user though, so the experience might be...

@ggandor Thanks for the context! I figured it must be some sort of technical limitation since none of the other similar plugins (sneak.vim et al) have this feature either. Crossing...

While it looks like some work has been done to make this possible, the data structure of `ng2-validators` output doesn't seem to match that of the built-in validators. For example:...

Ah, perfect! That oughta save me a whole bunch of time :P I'll have a stab at building from src now. Thanks again!

I've been having a heck of a time getting this to build on `12.x` or `17.x` on Pop_OS. On `17.x` I run `npm i` to install (which works well aside...

@stefanjf I'm ambivalent to the presence of Electron myself but if stripping that stuff out would help alleviate the pain points around the build, I would personally find that to...

Just wanted to report that I was able to build successfully on MacOS using Node `14.15.0`. The system I was having trouble with yesterday was a Linux (PopOS) installation so...

@ApolloTang To clarify: is the issue that `Far` is returning `0` results when you use `rg` as your source? FWIW, I'm using Neovim with the `rgnvim` source and it _returns_...

(Apologies for the necromancy): I'm running into this as well. Running the following results in no output: ```bash prettier --find-config-path ./ ``` However, if I add a `.prettierrc` to my...

Can confirm that it was my issue as well.