Very well done, it's easy to use and resonable fast generating the result. I used several different Cad programs and all give the same good result. I have an auto...
> yeah, they changed the way overlays work on newer kernels. Either you adapt that or switch to a distribution with an older kernel. Hi Hzeller, I looked at this...
Thanks Hstarmans. dit helpt me op de juiste weg te komen echter de img is niet voorhanden daar ! Roel
Hey Rik, ik ben geen code writer, moet et meer van een werkende installatie hebben. ik ga het op een andere manier gebruiken dmv een drum met film te beichten....
the problem is that the Libpng-dev can't be found with an update. during the update, several source packages return an error. I know enough about electronics and mechanics to get...
> i tell you exactly which image I used this image has vanished :)