Atle Rudshaug

Results 8 issues of Atle Rudshaug

The signed net45 pinned to assembly version and unsigned netstandard2.0 with running versions (currently is causing all sorts of issues. net45 is dead, could we please remove it...

Is there some limitation to how big a file FParsec supports? What I could find out from the code is that it reads by chunks, but I cannot seem to...

If I have `import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";` in my proto file to use the TimeStamp type, I'm getting an error in the converter that it cannot find the file. Is this supported?...

### Description The syntax highlighting is a bit lacking. When VSCode added syntax APIs, Ionide used that instead of Regex and it got so much better. Would it be possible...

The release notes says something about making it better for x-plat, but I'm unable to make native providers work in linux at all. Is anyone else able to? Should it...

Doing this in C# works and the behavior is invoked correctly: ```csharp public class TestPipeline : IPipelineBehavior where TRequest : IBaseRequest { public Task Handle(TRequest request, RequestHandlerDelegate next, CancellationToken cancellationToken)...

Invoking `ctrl+shift+p` and `FAKE: Build Default` fails when using `Paket` in `Magic mode`, since it cannot find the bootstrapper file. Expected: paket.exe to be invoked directly Actual: Fails with cannot...

I have an F# object defined as: ```fsharp type DisplayValueDto = { Value: string DisplayValue: string } ``` and a type that uses it: ```fsharp type SomeObject = { MyValue:...