Thanks for sharing, love this! Just this: downloading from git is 500Mb (because of git history?), consider pruning.
I'm pushing new features. Let's check 'em before merging.
I think that many of the defaults and options now stored as LiteGraph properties, should go inside the LGraphCanvas options. Different canvas could want to behave differently sharing the same...
I had an issue while installing: Timestamp columns in the database has not default value and they are not nullable. To solve this replace all the occurrences of `TIMESTAMP NOT...
Hello, I'm getting this error when trying to compile with Visual Studio 2012: NeuronForMayaDevice.obj : error LNK2001: external symbol "public: virtual class MStatus __cdecl MPxNode::dependsOn(class MPlug const &,class MPlug const...
I ran hook install on a fresh voyager with laravel 5.8 php artisan hook:install voyager-themes Returns: ErrorException : Undefined index: Launcher\BreadTemplates\Models\Template