Aurélien TISNE
Aurélien TISNE
Single quotes are not allowed in the first line of the note (used to build the annotation). We propose to protect single quotes.
Avoid to create empty file if the note is empty. I ran 'tasknote 1' and finally I don't want to add a note to this task.
Add the sub-command 'd' to delete an existing note. tasknote 1 d
Add a / at the end of FOLDER if not exists. Otherwise, the file is named with the UUID stuck to the last folder. Sample: with FOLDER=/store/here, the file name...
Do not quote the FOLDER variable to expand ~. Otherwise a folder ~ is locally created.
PHP8 become picky. We favor the use of the Input class to access Request Variables ( fix #122
fixes #41 same as PR #43 but also avoid too many warnings with modern PHP.
Bash, Delphi, Diff, Erlang, Groovy, Haxe, PowerShell, Swift Source: