Athul Suresh

Results 10 comments of Athul Suresh

what I understood is posefix is used to reduce the error in converting heatmaps to keypoints. So is it possible to apply posefix on heatmap generated by any pose estimation...

I tried this on a surveillance cam, the id of people get swapped when two people cross path. Also if in frame t 2 person is detected and frame t+1...

does it work on multiperson?

Have you figured it out? Any annotation tools for the purpose

In use "from sklearn.utils.linear_assignment_ import linear_assignment" itself if you are using spacy alternate for linear assignment and downgrade the sklearn to 0.21 or lower (a version lower than 0.23)

yolov4_tiny in darknet repo and in this repo is exactly the same, can i get yolov4-tiny-csp elsewhere? @WongKinYiu

have u done LSTM on multi-skeletal datapoints? @hwlee96 @mengzhangjian

> > same here, qiangli p4 80x40 rgb matrix. i'm using "passive-3" adapter and has 4 blank lines at middle (after 16 rows) and at bottom (after 36 rows) any...