Shogo Ohta

Results 18 comments of Shogo Ohta

Hi, thank you for using the library! And sorry for leaving it in a SNAPSHOT release for a long time. I decided to release 0.1.0 around this month or next....

@federkasten Thanks for dipping your toe into the library and sorry to keep you waiting so long šŸ™‡ I have some blocker issues in mind, so I'm going to revisit...

Hi, @djblue. Thanks for your feedback! > Have you considered publishing this to the npm registry so consumers using lumo could pull it down using npm or yarn? Sounds like...

Another +1 from me :+1:

I found that `SeekableHTTPStream` in bgzf4j achieves range reading [via the `Range` HTTP header]( However, Python's http.server [does not support the `Range` header]( and will always return the full range...

@totakke Thank you for making the PR šŸ™ Iā€™m done with my review and merged the change.

Thank you for reporting! I'll look into it later, but I don't clearly remember if Pogonos was trying to fully support qualified keywords. Also, I'm curious about how ambiguous keys...

Thank you for the feedback! After some investigation, I'm figuring out what is going on. Finality information for local variables is not retained in the JVM bytecode and it only...

I will prepare some documentation on the JiSE syntax in the future, but shortly: You can use the optional "inheritance vector" syntax to specify the parent class and/or implemented interfaces....

Yeah, it's on the project's roadmap though there are still lots of things to do to get there. At least, I have in mind: - Nested class support - Generics...