Troels Henriksen

Results 110 issues of Troels Henriksen

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Ordrer fra Brussel

Nutildags er bedredansk-filteret mest fyldt med uanvendeligt ragelse, snarere end korrigering af upassende fremmedsprogsgloser. Jeg foreslår en opdeling af bedredansk, hvor en stor delmængde udtrækkes i lol_joke_of_the_day.kex. Denne vil så...

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The SML Basis library specifies Int64 and Word64 structures. These are really handy and it would be swell if MosML supported them.

``` $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kflarsen/mosml [sudo] password for athas: Moscow ML is a light-weight implementation of Standard ML (SML), a strict functional language widely used in teaching and research.

The implementation of `FutharkContext` does not at any point call `futhark_context_free()` or `futhark_context_config_free()`. This means that the actual Futhark context object is not freed when the `FutharkContext` Rust object is...

For a long time we've supported not having to put `in` when chaining `let`: ```Futhark let foo = ... let bar = ... let baz = ... in ... ```...


Supporting multiple LMADs leads to complex code and currently unfixed compiler bugs. Further, indexing such a multi-LMAD index function is very slow. Finally, in many cases (such as every time...
