Still getting an error when i use [0,1] instead of [1,2], and I can't use the rospy script because it gives an error about import ArducamSDK. I can work around...
@Moinelly Hi I am trying to get the AR0134 to capture an image when externally triggered by a pi. I have used your register values, but I'm unsure how to...
@moinelly thanks for the reply! so I enabled the "FLASH" output, which sycrhonizes the exposure time, and I see that the exposure time occurs right after the trigger and for...
@Moinelly I have tested the trigger mode on the GUI. Same thing. I know its exposing because I see the flash output high for the duration for the exposure, but...
@ArduCAM I sent the code to [email protected] over email. Thank you.
@skypanther It works in Auto Trigger Mode on the Windows GUI, just set the R0x301a to 0x1982 and set the trigger pin HIGH externally. However, still can't get pulsed trigger...