Bram de Haan

Results 5 issues of Bram de Haan

I am aware there are [problems with the Hyper terminal and colors](, ... so these themes using Neovim in iTerm2 show the right background color, when on Hyper they show...

Can the missing colors from the [new Spring/Summer 2019 report]( be added? - [Terrarium Moss: #616247]( - [Pepper Stem: #8d9440]( - [Sweet Corn: #f2edd7]( - [Brown Granite: #615550]( I would...

Installing from `package.json` - `npm install` gives a deprecated warning for the rollup plugin terser, this PR should fix this, and is working AFAIK. Love this build tool boilerplate BTW...

Just to let you know there is a jointed effort to rejuvenate this project in [this repo over here]( You are invited and encouraged to check this out, if you...

I'm getting this error message after executing the command: ```bash File "", line 25 loaded = f"package.loaded['{name}'] = nil\n" ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax ``` Note the caret under the double...