
Results 21 comments of atchyuth-rao

i also tested with mobile phones but i am unable to spoof on mobile phones, i am using pluto sdr to generate GPS signal, any idea what sequence of operations...

in GPS Receiver cold start option is there, you need to click on cold start button to clear the old ephemeris data. i am trying to test gps sdr sim...

I have tested GPS-SDR-SIM code with ADALM PLUTO SDR Hardware(with 2.6MHz sampling Frequency), I have followed the procedure which is mentioned in this site except for TCXO Modification of ADALM...

I am not getting a position fix with the PLUTO SDR card, I have generated a signal with a -100dbm signal power using PLUTO SDR and fed to U-Blox8 GNSS...

thank you so much for your response, I am not using gnu radio, I am having plutoplayer.c code which is linux compatible, using this plutoplayer.c code I am generating RF...

thank you for your response I will try and let you know

is there any other way to solve this problem? On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 10:26 AM jamesl-dm wrote: > I suggest you install gnuradio. Disabling xo_correction will probably be...

Hello James, Earlier I have Generated GPS signal samples with 2.6MHz sampling frequency using Pluto SDR, with that sampling frequency satellite C/N ratios are oscillates very frequently in GNSS Receiver...

Dear james and mictronics, i have modified xo_correction to 40MHz of pluto sdr in config.txt file which was given by pluto SDR mass storage [image: image.png] GPS IQ Samples Generation:...

![xo_correction]( ![2d_fix]( ![gpssim bin_creation]( ![xo_correction](