Alex Szymanik
Alex Szymanik
@bropat Thank you so much for you work with this integration. I see you have access to a HomeBase 3 and S330. I have some S300s- would you like access...
Examples of unknown keys as reported from "showkey -s" Button A: 0x45 0xc5 0x45 0xc5 Button B: 0x45 0xc5 0x38 0x4b 0x52 0xb8 0xcb 0xd2 0x45 0xc5 Button C: 0x45...
Sorry for this wall of text, I think you're right though- it's sending out multiple keys at the same time. It's just a numpad so I was thinking if I...
Interesting about the LED state- I noticed the $ key would sometimes send a value and other times nothing at all as if the button wasn't pressed. I'll dig more...