Rostislav Hristov

Results 43 comments of Rostislav Hristov

The following code outputs the same result in Chrome, Firefox and IE9: ``` var namespace = ''; var qualifiedName = 'Envelope'; var doc = document.implementation.createDocument(namespace, qualifiedName, null); var str =...

The $.address.state() is not supposed to used like this. It only sets the base address for HTML5 pushState management and should be used only once. By initializing the plugin you...

Do you monitor the same behavior with any of the provided samples?

I hope that I'll find some time soon to look into this issue and resolve it for 1.5. @no1youknowz Can you please explain how you set /home to be the...

Can you please elaborate a little bit more. You want to have and or and Do you use the pushState support or just the standard old...

First, please do not use the crawlable feature since the site already exposes the content for indexing in a better way. I'm seriously considering dropping this option completely because I...

The state should always be the same. It's not a variable that changes but an initialization parameter that informs the script about the root folder of the page. In your...

I will check if the behavior for IE can be optimized but it will never be the same as in pushState enabled browsers. Meanwhile it will be great if you...

In IE we can only change the address from /accounts to /#/accounts by refreshing the page. The #/accounts hash is only available in the browser and it's not sent to...

As I said before the address in IE cannot be changed without an extra request. If you want to have a clean hash based deep linking fallback in IE then...