Marco Lombardi
Marco Lombardi
Is there any way to efficiently use ForwardDiff with functions that operates on vectors and return vectors? Suppose I have a function `f` that operates on a vectors by applying...
I believe it would be useful to add a method to generate permutations with repetitions, so that, for example julia> collect(with_replacement_permutations(1:2, 2)) 4-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}: [1, 1] [1, 2] [2, 1]...
The documentation for `multiset_permutations` does not seem to be auto-consistent: > multiset_permutations(m, f, t) > > Generate all permutations of size `t` from an array `a` with possibly duplicated elements....
I am experimenting the use of the HODLR solver, but unfortunately I have seen some strange behaviour that at the moment prevents me from using it. Apparently, the computation of...
Consider the following code ```julia using LoopVectorization, OffsetArrays function morph_dilate(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, kernel::AbstractArray{S,N}) where {T morph_dilate([1 2 3; 4 5 6], OffsetArrays.centered([0 7 0; 7 7 7; 0 7 0])) 4×5 OffsetArray(::Matrix{Int64},...
The code makes use of several subtypes of `AbstractCosmology` for different cosmological models: `(Closed|Flat|Open)LCDM` and `(Closed|Flat|Open)WCDM`. However, it seems to me that are (if any) very little advantages in doing...
I need to sample a distribution for which the calculation of the log-likelihood is particularly time consuming. To speed-up calculations, it is beneficial to pass to the likelihood mutable data...
When trying to perform an asynchronous query to the VizieR TAP server I saw that sometimes the server replies with a `PENDING` phase. However, this specific phase is not...
Hi, is it possible to use pip within stash to install packages that include dependency specifications in such as install_requires=[ 'ProxyTypes;python_version"3.0"' ], I have tried at it seems to...
Thank you for providing this great package! In many cases, when using the package with many parameters, one will face situations where the default display of confidence limits (credible intervals)...