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BUG: Vizier query for eclipsing binary tables gives 'unclosed token'
This is already covered in our test suite.
from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
V = Vizier()
result = V.find_catalogs('eclipsing binary', max_catalogs=5000)
results in
WARNING: UnitsWarning: Unit 'JD' not supported by the VOUnit standard. [astropy.units.format.vounit]
WARNING: UnitsWarning: Unit 'Sun' not supported by the VOUnit standard. Did you mean uN? [astropy.units.format.vounit]
WARNING: UnitsWarning: The unit 'pix' has been deprecated in the VOUnit standard. [astropy.units.format.utils]
WARNING: UnitsWarning: Unit 'Rgeo' not supported by the VOUnit standard. [astropy.units.format.vounit]
WARNING: UnitsWarning: Unit 'ppm' not supported by the VOUnit standard. Did you mean Pm or pm? [astropy.units.format.vounit]
WARNING: UnitsWarning: Unit 'Earth' not supported by the VOUnit standard. [astropy.units.format.vounit]
WARNING: UnitsWarning: The unit 'ct' has been deprecated in the VOUnit standard. [astropy.units.format.utils]
WARNING: UnitsWarning: Unit 'Mgeo' not supported by the VOUnit standard. [astropy.units.format.vounit]
WARNING: UnitsWarning: Unit 'Mjup' not supported by the VOUnit standard. [astropy.units.format.vounit]
WARNING: UnitsWarning: Unit 'Rjup' not supported by the VOUnit standard. [astropy.units.format.vounit]
WARNING: UnitsWarning: Unit 'month' not supported by the VOUnit standard. [astropy.units.format.vounit]
WARNING: UnitsWarning: The unit 'au' has been deprecated in the VOUnit standard. Suggested: 1.4959787e+11m. [astropy.units.format.utils]
/Users/adam/repos/astroquery/astroquery/vizier/ UserWarning: VOTABLE parsing raised exception: 106669:4: unclosed token
warnings.warn("VOTABLE parsing raised exception: {0}".format(ex))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/adam/repos/astroquery/astroquery/vizier/", line 767, in parse_vizier_votable
vo_tree = votable.parse(tf, verify='warn', invalid='exception')
File "/Users/adam/miniconda3/envs/py39forge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/utils/", line 546, in wrapper
return function(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/adam/miniconda3/envs/py39forge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/", line 159, in parse
return tree.VOTableFile(
File "/Users/adam/miniconda3/envs/py39forge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/", line 3615, in parse
tag_mapping.get(tag, self._add_unknown_tag)(
File "/Users/adam/miniconda3/envs/py39forge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/", line 3494, in _add_resource
resource.parse(self, iterator, config)
File "/Users/adam/miniconda3/envs/py39forge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/", line 3292, in parse
tag_mapping.get(tag, self._add_unknown_tag)(
File "/Users/adam/miniconda3/envs/py39forge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/", line 3238, in _add_table
table.parse(iterator, config)
File "/Users/adam/miniconda3/envs/py39forge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/", line 2459, in parse
for start, tag, data, pos in iterator:
ValueError: 106669:4: unclosed token
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/adam/repos/astroquery/astroquery/vizier/", line 699, in _parse_result
return parse_vizier_votable(
File "/Users/adam/repos/astroquery/astroquery/vizier/", line 770, in parse_vizier_votable
vo_tree = votable.parse(tf, verify='warn', invalid='mask')
File "/Users/adam/miniconda3/envs/py39forge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/utils/", line 546, in wrapper
return function(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/adam/miniconda3/envs/py39forge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/", line 159, in parse
return tree.VOTableFile(
File "/Users/adam/miniconda3/envs/py39forge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/", line 3615, in parse
tag_mapping.get(tag, self._add_unknown_tag)(
File "/Users/adam/miniconda3/envs/py39forge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/", line 3494, in _add_resource
resource.parse(self, iterator, config)
File "/Users/adam/miniconda3/envs/py39forge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/", line 3292, in parse
tag_mapping.get(tag, self._add_unknown_tag)(
File "/Users/adam/miniconda3/envs/py39forge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/", line 3238, in _add_table
table.parse(iterator, config)
File "/Users/adam/miniconda3/envs/py39forge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/io/votable/", line 2459, in parse
for start, tag, data, pos in iterator:
ValueError: 106669:4: unclosed token
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython-input-5-2e0f7bf34a93>", line 1, in <cell line: 1>
result = V.find_catalogs('eclipsing binary', max_catalogs=5000)
File "/Users/adam/repos/astroquery/astroquery/vizier/", line 235, in find_catalogs
result = self._parse_result(response, verbose=verbose,
File "/Users/adam/repos/astroquery/astroquery/vizier/", line 705, in _parse_result
raise TableParseError("Failed to parse VIZIER result! The "
TableParseError: Failed to parse VIZIER result! The raw response can be found in self.response, and the error in self.table_parse_error. The attempted parsed result is in self.parsed_result.
Exception: 106669:4: unclosed token
I think this is an unexpected failure. I'm investigating.
This appears to be a truncated data stream:
In [11]: V.response.text[-1000:]
Out[11]: '" type="meta" nrows="1024">\n <INFO name="nrows" value="1024">Number of rows of the table</INFO>\n <DESCRIPTION>\n BVRI observations of LU Lac\n </DESCRIPTION>\n\n<!-- BVRI observations of LU Lac \\vizContent{timeSerie}(\\wGraph{J/other/NewA/31.65/./table1} {}{light curves}) -->\n <LINK content-role="query" action="votable?-source=J/other/NewA/31.65/table1&">\n Action to Query the current RESOURCE, to be completed by PARAMs and FIELDs contents\n </LINK>\n <!-- Definitions of GROUPs and FIELDs -->\n\n<!-- +++No column could be found to attach a LINK in table: J/other/NewA/31.65/table1 -->\n <FIELD name="recno" ucd="meta.record" display="0" datatype="int" width="8"><!-- ucd="RECORD" -->\n <DESCRIPTION>Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification.</DESCRIPTION>\n <LINK href="${recno}"/>\n </FIELD>\n <FIELD\n'
I'll contact Vizier about it.
Ah, maybe this is just a fundamental limit. We can replace the test with:
result = V.find_catalogs('eclipsing binary', max_catalogs=500)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython-input-12-593b0444fc4c>", line 1, in <cell line: 1>
result = V.find_catalogs('eclipsing binary', max_catalogs=500)
File "/Users/adam/repos/astroquery/astroquery/vizier/", line 232, in find_catalogs
raise ValueError("Maximum number of catalogs exceeded. Try "
ValueError: Maximum number of catalogs exceeded. Try setting max_catalogs to a large number and try again
that's the desired error.
Nope, nope - max_catalogs
is our internal limit. The original error is coming from a truncated very large data stream.
Hello - a bug without any ambiguities..
I made a patch which fixes the truncated VOTable. However, there is still an error reported in the astroquery lines code. .... /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/astroquery/vizier/ UserWarning: VOTABLE parsing raised exception: 70401:78: unclosed token ....
the VOTAble URL is: (are there something expected or to fix ?) binary&-meta.all=1&-ucd=&-meta.max=5000
- regards
All examples from here work now, thanks for all the upstream fixes!