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Functions and classes to access online data resources. Maintainers: @keflavich and @bsipocz and @ceb8

Documentation_ | Blog_ | View on Github_ | Download Stable ZIP_ | Download Stable TAR_

.. image:: :target: :alt: Latest PyPI version

.. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status

.. image:: :target: :alt: Github Actions CI Status

.. image:: :target: :alt: Coverage results

.. image:: :target: :alt: Zenodo

================================== Accessing Online Astronomical Data

Astroquery is an astropy <>_ affiliated package that contains a collection of tools to access online Astronomical data. Each web service has its own sub-package. For example, to interface with the SIMBAD website <>_, use the simbad sub-package:

.. code-block:: python

>>> from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
>>> theta1c = Simbad.query_object('tet01 Ori C')
>>> theta1c.pprint()
   MAIN_ID          RA           DEC      ... COO_QUAL COO_WAVELENGTH     COO_BIBCODE
------------- ------------- ------------- ... -------- -------------- -------------------
* tet01 Ori C 05 35 16.4637 -05 23 22.848 ...        A              O 2007A&A...474..653V

Installation and Requirements

Astroquery works with Python 3.7 or later. As an astropy_ affiliate, astroquery requires astropy_ version 4.0 or later.

astroquery uses the requests <>_ module to communicate with the internet. BeautifulSoup <>_ and html5lib' <>_ are needed for HTML parsing for some services. The keyring <>_ module is also required for accessing services that require a login. These can all be installed using pip <>_ or anaconda <>. Running the tests requires curl <> to be installed.

The latest version of astroquery can be pip installed (note the --pre for picking up released developer versions):

.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install --pre astroquery

To install all the mandatory and optional dependencies add the [all] identifyer to the pip command above (or use [docs] or [test] for the dependencies required to build the documentation or run the tests):

.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install --pre astroquery[all]

To install the 'bleeding edge' version:

.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install

or cloned and installed from source:

.. code-block:: bash

$ # If you have a github account:
$ git clone [email protected]:astropy/astroquery.git
$ # If you do not:
$ git clone
$ cd astroquery
$ python install

Using astroquery

Importing astroquery on its own doesn't get you much: you need to import each sub-module specifically. See the documentation for a list of Available Services <>. The API shows the standard suite of tools common to most modules, e.g. query_object and query_region.

To report bugs and request features, please use the issue tracker. Code contributions are very welcome, though we encourage you to follow the API_ and contributing guidelines <>_ as much as possible.

Citing Astroquery

If you use astroquery, please cite the paper we published in The Astronomical Journal <>__.

The BibTeX entry is available from the package itself::

import astroquery astroquery.citation

In addition you may also want to refer to specific versions of the package. We create a separate Zenodo DOI for each version, they can be looked up at the following Zenodo page <>__

Additional Links

Download Development ZIP_ | Download Development TAR_

Maintained by Adam Ginsburg_ and Brigitta Sipocz <>_ ([email protected]_)

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