Mark Booth
Mark Booth
I have an audio delay too, of about 3s. I see the network-caching is set to 0. Any other thoughts on how to solve this? Or is there a way...
I ended up just switching to using Bluetooth. There wasn't any need to install anything for that, at least on Linux. If you've paired the devices already, Android will just...
Thanks. This inspired me to try the same with Linux. For anyone who is interested, first add the following to your .bashrc: ``` export SNDCPY_HOME=$HOME/sndcpy export SNDCPY_APK=$HOME/sndcpy/sndcpy.apk alias sndcpy="$HOME/sndcpy/sndcpy" alias...
Thanks. This works well for me.
I've been having this problem too and I noticed that the action was using conda from `/usr/share/miniconda/lib/python3.12` even though the python version had been set to 3.10 elsewhere in the...