Hao Peng

Results 8 issues of Hao Peng

> Before reporting a bug - [x] Check [common issues](https://katex.org/docs/issues.html). - [x] Check the bug is reproducible in [the demo](https://katex.org). If not, check KaTeX is up-to-date and installed correctly. -...


Is it possible for the tabs to float at the top of the screen, while people scroll down a long tab. See [my page](https://spaceresearch.top/blog/cv/#6-2-restricted-three-body-problem) for example. Basically I was using...

Help Wanted
Feature Request

I doubt it very much. Take care of using it. The author should be more responsible by sharing your code. Please consider to improve the code or write a warning...

- bottom line of symbols are not aligned, previously. now fixed. - increase top margin a little bit. may not be perfect solution.

This would be convenient when I just want to expand and check the folder, while not being steered away from the current note. Thanks.

I can achieve this by commenting out these two blocks: https://github.com/xpgo/obsidian-folder-note-plugin/blob/272bbdc9a674fd333e6a97b02611868797648585/src/card-item.ts#L163-L165 https://github.com/xpgo/obsidian-folder-note-plugin/blob/272bbdc9a674fd333e6a97b02611868797648585/src/card-item.ts#L193-L195 This can save a lot of screen space especially when I use `noteOnly: true` mode. Thanks.

> 用夏至和冬至、春分和秋分度量的四季的不相等性。(显然如果意识到地球运动的轨迹是椭圆这个问题就迎刃而解,但当时的人,包括阿里斯塔克斯,不可能接受天体运动的轨迹不是完美的正圆,这可涉及他们的数学信仰。) **四季是自转轴决定的**。轨道的扁率几乎没有影响,有的话因为与北半球的四季是反的,也是负影响。

According to the official specs, `Boox Note Plus` seems not much different from `Boox Note`. https://onyxboox.com/boox_noteplus https://onyxboox.com/boox_note Did anyone confirm they have the same key? Thanks. PS. They are obviously...